Walking stick with four anti-slip rubber feet

Adjustable in height

5 holes for adjustable height, each 2cm apart

Minimum height - 75 cm

Maximum height - 100cm

Safety notes: Check that the walking stick is the correct height for you. Your shoulder should be relaxed and not elevated. Using a walking stick for injury: place the walking stick on your strongest side or the one unaffected by injury. Using a walking stick for balance: hold the stick in the most comfortable hand.

·       A walking stick should be used as an aid only, not as the primary source of mobility support. Position the walking stick forward at the same time as stepping forward with the injured or weak leg. The leg and the cane should move together at about the same angle.

  • Take your time moving and don’t turn too quickly.
  • Be careful when walking over uneven, soft or wet ground.
  • Look ahead to watch where you are going rather than down at the floor.

If your injury persists, consult a medical professional.